Fundamentals of Software Testing (following ISTQB curricula)

The purpose of this course is to give your testing team essential knowledge of software testing, knowledge that will enable them to test any application. After graduating this course your testers will know how to organize the testing process, how to make testing more efficient and how to communicate with other teams

  • Testing Principles
  • High level view of testing
  • Testing techniques
  • Test management
  • Tools used in Software Testing
  • Case studies
  • Questions & Answers
1. Why testing is necessary?
2. What should be tested?
3. Who should test?
4. How much should we test?
5. Psychology of testing
6. Communication
7. Testing process

1. Types of testing
2. Testing models and how to apply them
3. Economics of testing
4. Test plan
a) Objectives
b) How to build a test plan
c) Entry and Exit Criteria
d) Test plan management
5. The V model details

1. Dynamic testing techniques
a) White box testing
b) Black box testing
2. Static testing techniques
a) Code static analysis
b) Document testing

1. The structure of the testing team
2. Version management
3. Testing monitoring & control
4. Defect management
5. Prioritizing requirements, tests, defects

1. Test management tools
a) Requirement management
b) Test Cases / Test Plan management
c) Defect tracking
2. Automated testing
a) Functional testing
b) Performance testing
3. How to choose the right testing tools?
4. Implementation of automated testing tools

paperback training material – Exercise sheet to prepare you for certification- 3 days training delivery